We had a much smaller turnout this month, but fortunately a turnout that fit cleanly into a bracket for a change – 8 players. Thanks to newcomer Max for showing up just in time to prevent anyone having to take a bye in the first round!
I started off against Michael, who protested that I must be discriminating against him, it being the third tournament he attended where I was his first draw. But I made it worth his while – losing very very badly. The 9 points he got from our match ultimately put him as the winner of second place, being one of three players who ended with a 2-1 record for the day.
Martin had the best of it for the day, beating Tim, then Steve, then Bob to take first place. We think this is his first tournament win of the year, which is surprising given what a strong player he is. But, you know, dice.
Speaking of dice, for the second tournament in a row, a pair went missing. In October, Julie had a pair of lavender precision dice just… vanish. And this time, Michael had a pair of green precision dice go missing. Twice makes a pattern, so reminder to keep half an eye on your board when you go up to grab a drink or whatever. I’m personally feeling a little paranoid, anyway – it is, after all, a moderately crowded public space, and dice are easy to misplace.
Here’s the running tally for the year – last tournament of 2019 will be on the 15th of December. Steve is on track to come in as the winning-est player, and Tim is on track to be the most consistent attendee other than myself. Come try to get yourself up in the rankings!
Player | Matches Played | Matches Won |
Mark W | 32 | 20 |
Tim | 27 | 12 |
Nate | 22 | 13 |
Martin | 21 | 12 |
Chris | 18 | 9 |
Bryan | 17 | 9 |
Steve | 16 | 11 |
Michael | 15 | 8 |
Julie | 13 | 7 |
Ed | 10 | 6 |